Puppy Application- please copy and paste into email, send to: [email protected]
Phone (home):
Do you have experience with German Shepherd Dogs? (if so, what?)
What do you expect a German Shepherd’s activity level to be?
What plans do you have for your German Shepherd? Such as training in a certain discipline-Service, agility, SAR, obedience, personal protection, dog sports, family companion, etc.
Describe your family including any other pets and the planned living area for your German Shepherd.
How many children are living with you and their ages?
Does anyone in the family have animal allergies that could be affected by a dog in the home? Realize that mature German Shepherds shed a lot (long coats shed NO MORE than stock coats).
Where will the puppy/dog be during the day?
Where will the puppy/dog be at night?
How will the puppy/dog be confined when outside? (fenced yard, kennel, etc.)
Do you rent or own your home? If renting, provide landlord’s information.
Your Veterinarian’s information- name, address, phone number.
Have you thought about the expense of vet care, food, and upkeep of a German Shepherd?
Do you understand the need and importance for early and continued puppy socialization? this does not necessarily mean around other dogs, but more about worldly experiences. Do you realize most German shepherds are NOT dog park type dogs?
Do you have a preference for a male or female puppy?
Do you prefer a certain color German Shepherd?
Do you realize that all pups from this litter are LONG STOCK COATED German Shepherds?
To help in the puppy selection process, describe your version of the perfect GSD, and the traits which you hope to avoid.
These puppies are eligible for AKC registration. Do you know the difference between LIMITED and FULL registration? (If No, see below * )
All pups are sold with an AKC LIMITED Registration. I will discuss the change to Full Registration on an individual basis when the dog is two years old, has passed OFA hip and elbow clearances, and has some type of title or certification indicating training has taken place. Please inform me at the time of purchase if you intend to breed your dog.
This is the “A” litter von Kimarainn. All puppies’ REGISTERED names for this litter (not necessarily call names) will start with an “A” and be followed by “von Kimarainn”. Example- “Apple von Kimarainn”, but the dog’s call name could still be “Buddy.” Failure to register the dog this way will void any contract and prevent future full registration rights from being granted.
*Limited Registration means that the dog is registered but without breeding rights- no puppies produced by that dog are eligible for AKC registration. Each registration certificate for such dog shall carry notice of the limitation, and the limitation shall continue, regardless of any change of ownership, unless and until the owner(s) of the litter at birth apply to AKC for removal of the limitation. If you don't intend to breed your dog, there is no reason to have Full Registration on your puppy. Full Registration does not affect the quality of the puppy, it simply designates the purpose for the puppy. Dogs with limited registration can be shown in any sports/classes/events except those intended for breeding dogs.